Sprankelprachtig aan/afmeldsysteem

en.yml 5.0KB

  1. en:
  2. activities:
  3. singular: "Activity"
  4. plural: "Activities"
  5. new: "New activity"
  6. created: "Activity created."
  7. edit: "Edit activity"
  8. updated: "Activity updated."
  9. destroyed: "Activity destroyed."
  10. mass_import: "Create multiple activities in %{group}"
  11. mass_imported: "%{count} activities created!"
  12. mass_import_explanation: "Download the example file using the link below, fill in the fields (end and deadline are optional), and upload the file using the upload form."
  13. upcoming_yours: "Upcoming activities organized by you"
  14. yours: "Your activities"
  15. errors:
  16. must_be_before_start: "must be before start"
  17. must_be_after_start: "must be after start"
  18. must_be_before_deadline: "must be before deadline"
  19. already_in: "person already participates in activity"
  20. cannot_divide_without_subgroups: "a divisible subgroup must exist"
  21. participant:
  22. singular: "participant"
  23. plural: "participants"
  24. notes: "Notes"
  25. add_notes: "Add notes"
  26. yourresponse: "Your response"
  27. copy_responses: "Copy responses"
  28. copy_absent: "Copy absentees"
  29. these_present: "The following %{count} participants are attending: %{names}."
  30. none_present: "Nobody is attending."
  31. these_unknown: "The following %{count} participants have not responded: %{names}."
  32. none_unknown: "Everyone has responded."
  33. these_absent: "The following %{count} participants are absent: %{names}."
  34. none_absent: "Nobody is absent."
  35. organizers:
  36. one: "Organizer"
  37. other: "Organizers"
  38. manage: "Manage organizers"
  39. add: "Add organizer"
  40. added: "%{name} is now an organizer."
  41. remove: "Remove organizer"
  42. removed: "%{name} is no longer an organizer."
  43. no_organizers: "This activity has no organizers."
  44. no_non_organizers: "This activity has no non-organizers."
  45. state:
  46. need_response: "Need response"
  47. present: "Present"
  48. absent: "Absent"
  49. unknown: "Unknown"
  50. attrs:
  51. name: "Name"
  52. group: "Group"
  53. when: "When"
  54. where: "Where"
  55. actions: "Actions"
  56. organizers: "Organizers"
  57. description: "Description"
  58. deadline: "Deadline"
  59. emails:
  60. open_activity: "Open activity"
  61. open_settings: "Preferences"
  62. dont_want_mail: "If you no longer want to receive these emails, change your preferences using the following link:"
  63. ending:
  64. - "Cheers,"
  65. attendance_reminder:
  66. subject: "You are now listed as 'attending' for %{activity}"
  67. set_to_present: "You have not yet indicated if you will be at %{activity}. Because we assume that you're present if you don't respond, your response has been set to 'attending'."
  68. set_to_absent: "You have not yet indicated if you will be at %{activity}. This activity is set to assume to set you to absent if you don't respond, so your response has been set to 'absent'."
  69. if_cannot: "If you wish to change this, you can change your response until %{deadline} using the following link:"
  70. subgroup_notification:
  71. subject: "You have been assigned to subgroup %{subgroup} for %{activity}"
  72. yoursubgroupis: "The upcoming activity %{activity} uses subgroups, and you have been assigned to subgroup %{subgroup}."
  73. subgroupmembers: "The other people in this subgroup are: %{others}"
  74. noothersinsubgroup: "There are no other people in this subgroup. :("
  75. allsubgroups: "All subgroups (including yours):"
  76. cannotdecline: "This email was sent when the deadline expired. If you find you cannot attend, please contact the Drerrie, or one of the organisers (%{organizers})."
  77. subgroups:
  78. manage: 'Manage subgroups'
  79. create: 'Create subgroup'
  80. created: 'Subgroup created.'
  81. create_failed: 'Could not create subgroup!'
  82. edit: 'Edit subgroup division'
  83. edited: 'Subgroup division updated.'
  84. update: 'Update subgroup'
  85. updated: 'Subgroup updated.'
  86. update_failed: 'Could not update subgroup!'
  87. destroy: 'Destroy subgroup'
  88. destroyed: 'Subgroup destroyed.'
  89. none: 'There are no subgroups.'
  90. filter_nogroup: 'Attending, no subgroup'
  91. filter_nofilter: 'Show everyone'
  92. only_present_people: "Only people who will attend are listed, because people who don't cannot be in a subgroup."
  93. clear: 'Clear subgroups'
  94. clear_explanation: 'This removes everyone in a assignable subgroup from their subgroup! Are you sure you want this?'
  95. cleared: 'Subgroups cleared.'
  96. redistribute: 'Redistribute subgroups'
  97. redistribute_explanation: 'This removes everyone in a assignable subgroup from that subgroup, and then randomly reassigns everyone to their subgroup. Are you sure you want this?'
  98. redistributed: 'Subgroups redistributed.'
  99. distribute_remaining: 'Distribute remaining to subgroups'
  100. distribute_remaining_explanation: 'This distributes all remaining attending participants not yet in a subgroup to a subgroup. Do you want this?'
  101. remaining_distributed: 'Remaining participants distributed.'